Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that my kids like (or should I say love) salad, but once in a while I would like to eat my own salad in peace and in its entirety.

I am thankful that Stella makes up her own mind about things she wants, especially her outfits; with that comes an inability to change her mind. There are days we go out with some dandies. She did find and check out Tim Gunn’s Fashion Bible from the library last week.

I'm not sure she followed any rules
She's making it work

I am thankful Stella had a fantastic time at her party. I can’t say I’m thrilled to have all the sundae bar left overs. I have had a sundae every night this week and we’re not talking a small one either. I guess I can welcome those 5 pounds back.

This will help me find my 5 lost pounds

I am thankful they serve breakfast at school. There are some days (like today) when Maizie just cannot pull it together in time to eat at home, or should I say drink a glass of milk because that’s all she is willing to have.

I am thankful that Teddy is so into health and fitness, but I don’t need to feel his muscle every time he does some pushups. We have no dedicated Friday to weigh in and muscle feeling day, he cannot ask me to feel his muscle until Friday. His quest for a beach body is leaving hand prints all over my walls.

He must do well over 100 "push ups" a day

For more Thankful Thursdays head on over to Baby Gator's Den


  1. Fashion, ice cream and fitness... doesn't get better!

  2. I am cracking up at Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible!! So funny.

  3. That is hilarious that you have Friday dedicated to feeling his muscles. He must have REALLY been asking too much!@! LOL!

  4. I am lovin' Stella's style! Hilarious that she tracked down Tim Gunn. I really wish I knew you in real life. I could help polish off the sundaes with you.
    And, what's a little dirt when you're talking real muscles? :)

  5. Haha- that is funny! That is awesome he is into fitness! Go Teddy!
