Friday, August 9, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

Here are a few of my favorite food items. Some may not be the healthiest around, but once I start I can’t stop.

Polar Diet Dry Orange soda, I can drink this by the case load. It is my second favorite soda (Diet Dr Pepper always comes in first) and it had been on sale quite a bit lately, I’m a sucker for a bargain.

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Covered Edamame, I was going to get espresso beans but I had the forethought to know the rate I would eat them and knew I would need to sleep. I convinced myself that edamame would give me a smidge more nutrition as well.

Trader Jose’s Fresh Salsa is gone in one sitting. Most of the time I don’t eat it with chips, I use celery (excellent to scoop) or cucumber slices. By the time I finish, you can smell the garlic coming through my skin and Stella continually tells me to brush my teeth. I don’t care! It’s fantabulous.

Town House Pita Chips, I tried these tasty treats and devoured the box by myself. I have an issue with chips and certain kinds of crackers. I try not to bring them into the house for the very reason that I will eat the entire bag/box in one sitting. This box got eaten with the Trader Joe Salsa (double delicious whammy). If you want some chips around here, get them as soon as it’s opened or you will not get any.

Trader Joe’s Mini Pearl Grape Tomatoes, I eat these like candy (my kids do too). I will buy them to roast or put into salads but by the next day there will only be about four left. What are you going to do with four grape tomatoes? Shove them in your mouth of course. (If a kid is coming they will all go in at once.)


  1. YES - pretty much a fan of most anything from Trader Joe's - then make it chocolate covered and I'm hooked! :-) LOVE their mini dark chocolate peanut butter cups!

  2. Heads to trader joes tomorrow morning...those chocolate covered edamame have me intrigued.
